
Use social media to land your dream job

Social media sites get all the love nowadays. Just about everybody have their own social media accounts for multiple social media websites to keep in touch with friends, family and meeting new people too, whether it is a page on Facebook, Your pins on Pinterest and your videos on Youtube.

While many people use social media sites for recreation and communication, can you believe that they can also help you land your dream job? More and more companies are now checking the social media accounts of their applicants. It can either make or break someone’s career.

So below are some tips to help you use your social media accounts to land your dream job.

Tip #1: Build an online resume by listing all your skills – Don’t forget to list all your experiences and skills especially in your LinkedIn account but not limited to just LinkedIn. Promote and sell yourself to all your social media accounts. For so many people, they shy out of showcasing their experience and listing their skills in Facebook. But one should not be. Take advantage of whatever area of your social media profile that you can use in order to list where you’ve been employed in the past, where you currently work, the type of work that you’re seeking, as well as the skills that you’ve acquired over the years. List it in a fashion similar to a resume but more creative.

Tip #2: Always list your website, if you have one – you would be surprise how many people had been hired because their employer saw their website links on their social media accounts, especially designer and photographers since their portfolios are so important. Your website portfolio may be found by just the right people as long as you promote it enough by simply putting it out there on pages that represent you and the work that you love to do.

Tip #3: Join groups and participate in their activities – there are many web developers, writers, programmers group out there especially in Facebook. Make sure to join groups and be active on it. Most groups post job openings. You never know what you might find someday, so let them compile the openings for you to easily browse every day and when you saw one, go grab it. Most groups also end up having monthly meetings or seminars. Participate and network. There are lots of great opportunities that await you in these kinds of meetups.

Tip #4: Watch your statuses – some people tend to use social media to express their feelings, but some just use it more like a diary – and that’s not good. Not only for job hunting but as general as well. Don’t over status because someone might just stalk you and it’s just kind of annoying too. Dont use it to fight publicly with others. And try not to use foul words. You statuses can have a huge effect to employers if they saw it. Also if you are applying as a writer, call center or in any other business phone service industry, you should always watch your grammar.

Tip #5: Use a great DP – Kind of like the statuses, be responsible in choosing your photos. Yes social media can be a place to upload wacky pictures (and it can be an advantage for you since you’ll probably bring a vibrant atmosphere at work) – but don’t upload a photo where in you totally make a fool of yourself.  You can upload photos of you hanging out and drinking – but don’t upload those that shows you are so wasted because this can end your career chances.  You can upload sexy pictures but please have a class and don’t upload those where you look like a prostitute. A simple plain primary picture can gather the best response from your future employer.

Author Bio: Marie Felipe is an online writer for more than 6 years now. She loves looking for guest posting service as well as writing in her own blogs. She loves to share her ideas about technology and obviously computers are her life.

[Image by Shutterstock]